Internship Group - Aberdeen Universities
Men in Movement is a new project working to support men’s health and well being. We offer up to 6 internships for young men from either or both Aberdeen Universities. The project has two principle aims:
- To support men and boys to achieve more creative and fulfilling relationships and lives. This includes deeply exploring and understanding ourselves: our longing to make a better world, our anger and violence, our joy, love and passion, our suffering and sadness, our fears and sense of guilt, the Alpha Male culture of competition, ….
- To bring these issues of masculinity into mainstream education, sociology, criminal justice, … for the benefit of society and the planet.
Your involvement, contribution and learning
This consists of two key aspects 1. Project development activities and 2. Personal investigation and support group. You will be supervised and supported by Norman Duncan the project director.
Project Development - learning, responsibilities and tasks. This is likely to vary between 8-15 hours per month. You will work as a team on the general project, taking on individual tasks with support of the rest of the team. Some of the key tasks are:
- Improve the website, design, agility, images, videos, blog, ….
- Deepen and clarify research on sexual and gender difference - the complex interaction between biology and education
- General editing of text and content to ensure coherence and flow
- Development of the social and educative project
- Bring your personal stories and enthusiasm as modern young men, to keep the project relevant
- Register as a national (UK) charity so as to fund the widest development of this work.
- Work in collaboration with women’s and LGBTQ groups to ensure social coherence
- Reaching more young men, establish more groups, run thematic workshops, dialogue between the genders, ….
Personal Investigation and support group
Meeting 3 hours fortnightly in a comfortable accessible space in the University. We create a safe place for the group to explore, express, listen and support each other in our personal experience and development as men
Sensitive, intelligent men seem to suffer more. We want love, acknowledgement, sex, intimacy, success, …. but often don’t have clear and healthy steps or role models showing how to achieve these. This makes us vulnerable to hurting ourselves or others in several areas of life:
- trying to establish and maintain satisfactory friendships, relationships, ...
- defining achievable, successful and fulfilling paths of study and work, …
- dealing with the stress of success and failure, healthy expression of the emotions ...
We explore these issues without promoting any one view of masculinity. We each explore from our own experience, feelings and beliefs.